Frontend Modal Dialogs| Alert、Popup、Custom| SweetAlert2

Frontend Modal Dialogs. When using a web page, certain situations such as form submissions and data confirmations require pop-up alerts or repeated confirmations. If the pop-up windows are clear and accompanied by animation effects, it can further enhance user focus on the operation, thus adding value to the user experience.SweetAlert2 this pop-up dialog plugin, not only boasts an aesthetic design with animations but also offers various customization options. This allows web pages to present a more diverse range of solutions to meet different needs. Now, let’s take a look at how powerful and user-friendly it truly is。

SweetAlert2 Website(Example)

SweetAlert2 GitHub(Source Code)

Native JavaScript Alert

The Web APIs in the browser provide window.alert(“”) for directly popping up messages。

Frontend Modal Dialogs-SweetAlert2


  1. Import CSS、Javascript
    – Place CSS in the <head></head>
    – Place JavaScript before </body>
    sweetalert import js cdn
  2. Add HTML、JavaScript
    – Create an HTML Button and declare a click function
    – The function is named showAlert()
    – Add the showAlert function in the JavaScript section
    – Include a call to the fire method of Swal (SweetAlert instance) to execute the pop-up window functionality
    sweetalert javascript code
  3. Code

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link href="[email protected]/dist/sweetalert2.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <button onclick="showAlert()">Click Me</button>
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/sweetalert2.all.min.js"></script>
        const showAlert = () => {
                icon: 'success',
                title: 'Hi',
                text: 'Thanks for coming!',


Code Explanation

  1. Swal is an instance of SweetAlert2
  2. .fire is a function provided by the Swal instance to trigger the pop-up window
  3. Declare a showAlert() method to enable event-triggered SweetAlert functionality

SweetAlert fire Common object variables used

iconIcon displayed in the pop-up windowsuccess, error, warning, info, question
titleTitle of the pop-up window“String”
textContent of the pop-up window“String”
htmlContent of the pop-up window with HTML syntax support“<h1>String</h1>”
imageUrlImage displayed at the top of the pop-up window“image url”
showConfirmButtonWhether to display the confirm buttontrue/false
showCancelButtonWhether to display the cancel buttontrue/false
showCloseButtonWhether to display the “x” button at the top right cornertrue/false
positionPosition of the pop-up window appearancetop, top-start, top-end, center, center-start, center-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end
backdropWhether clicking the background closes the pop-up windowtrue/false
customClassCustomization of CSS classcustomClass: {
container: ‘…’,
popup: ‘…’,
header: ‘…’,
title: ‘…’,
closeButton: ‘…’,
icon: ‘…’,
confirmButton: ‘…’,
denyButton: ‘…’,
cancelButton: ‘…’,

Advanced Usage

Customize Button Text

– confirmButtonText: Used to change the text of the confirm button
– cancelButtonText: Used to change the text of the cancel button. HTML can be used here, e.g., <h1>
– HTML syntax can be used for button text{
  icon: 'error',
  title: 'WoW',
  text: 'You can change button text',
  showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonText: "Yaaaaaaa",
  cancelButtonText: "<h1>Close</h1>"

Automatic Timer Closure

– timer: Timer unit is in milliseconds
– timerProgressBar: Whether to display the progress bar
– The pop-up window will automatically close when the timer runs out{
 icon: 'warning',
 title: 'Timer',
 text: 'Auto close',
 timer: 2000,
 timerProgressBar: true,

Execute Other Methods After Confirmation

– After clicking the button, the fire method can continue to execute other events
– We use .then to obtain the result of the click event, which is stored in result
(Copy the code below and open the developer console to see)
– Clicking the OK button and result.isConfirmed will be true.
– Use an if statement to check if result.isConfirmed === true to continue executing other events
– Clicking the cancel button and result.isDismissed will be true{
    icon: 'question',
    title: 'Are you sure',
    text: 'Click OK will show another alert',
    showCancelButton: true,
}).then((result) => {
            icon: 'success',
            title: 'You did it',
            text: 'I\'m new alert',


I highly recommend using SweetAlert2 for web pop-up dialogs. You can find it in many websites due to its simplicity in usage and high level of customization. It offers various options for tailoring to different needs of a webpage, and the transition effects are smooth. I hope everyone can find a set of tools and packages that they can utilize effectively, and SweetAlert2 is one of my frequently used tools. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.


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